Monday, December 20, 2004

Tis the Season....

For utter chaos and mayhem. It's a madhouse out there. Crazy people everywhere, pushing, shoving, bumping, all for what? I usually love this time of year and I am trying very hard to stay in the spirit. But damn, it's hard. Being pregnant, tired, grumpy and all around kind of out of sorts doesn't help, either. Ah well, I will NOT bah-humbug. Thankfully Wolf has two weeks off and we get to spend some quality time as a family.

No new news on the potty front. He's lost interest for the time being, as was to be expected. He is making huge mental leaps and bounds every day, though. He never ceases to amaze us. His vocabulary has tripled, although it's hard to sometimes understand what he is saying, it's not for lack of trying on his part. And he has gotten very good at telling us exactly what he wants or doesn't want. Unless he is in the middle of a melt-down, which have become quite frequent lately. We think it's because he is getting his 2 year molars in, which I imagine is quite painful, but who knows for sure. Until he can really talk, we can only guess.

He spent this past weekend with his Nana, and as always, had a wonderful time. He loves spending time with both her and Sammy, Nana's dog. When he came home, he looked like a different boy to me. He didn't seem so little anymore, didn't seem like my baby boy anymore. Because I'm with him every day, I don't get to step back and see the changes. It's pretty cool, although pretty sad at the same time. Everyone is always saying how fast time goes by and you don't want to believe it, you want it to slow down so you can enjoy every moment, but it just isn't possible. Guess we can only do our best to try and remember to savor as much of it as we can.

Well, here's to the holidays. May you all have a warm, happy and fun holiday season, wherever you may be. Lots of love from this little Schuster clan.

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

A potty update

Day two of Mason's potty experience went much better than I would have expected. I'm sitting at my desk in the office and Mason comes in from the bathroom, carrying his new potty. "Pee, Mama." So down come the pants and diaper and up he goes onto the toilet. "No, mama, no. Down." Apparantly, being just a mom and all, I am unaware that men, and little boys, need to stand up when they pee. So I put my hands up aplogetically and step back, watching as he leans in just a bit and starts grunting. His little hands are holding his shirt up and he's craning his head forward, trying to see why the pee isn't coming out. I turn my head away for a quick second and when I turn back, lo and behold, the edge of the potty is all wet! He did it, he really did it, all by himself. He didn't actually make it in, but so what. I shrieked so loudly I startled him until he saw how happy and proud I was of him, then he just started smiling. It is so amazing to watch how happy he gets when we are excited about something he does. Another triumph by our brilliant son!

We're not expecting miracles. We don't expect him to suddenly be able to do this all of the time and all on his own, but the fact that he's growing up is just so wonderful. Sad, but wonderful. Yesterday our potty experience expanded just a bit further. He doesn't actually want to take his diaper off but he will sit down on his toilet and go poop. In his diaper, mind you, but the fact that he is putting it all together is just stupendous. Angry, he might be, if he knew that I was sharing such intimate information with everyone, but luckily he is only 19 months old and if he should ever read this, I'm sure he'll have many other things to be angry at me about.

In other news, his vocabulary is expanding daily. He is able to say more and more each day and has even been able to say a few two word phrases. Not consistently but he's working on it. Watching him stop and think when you ask him a question is really awesome. He knows all of our names now but sometimes he has to pause for a second to sort through his database to pick the right words. He doesn't always get it right but he's getting there.

Such an amazing little man. Who knew this would be so tough yet so much fun all at the same time.

Monday, December 06, 2004

Can you tell what I had for dinner?


Saturday, December 04, 2004

I'm just too cute, aren't I?

Friday, December 03, 2004

It's an Ugh Day

It's been one of those days. Those not so fun pregnant days. Where emotions and lack of sleep and little desire to eat all combine to make a pretty shitty day. My poor son must think I'm Dr. Jekyll and Mommy Hyde. He's an amazing little boy, though, and between him and the ever-constant wonderful support of my husband, I manage to make it through the day.

Today was a big day for Mason. He's discovered, dun-dun-dun - "the potty." So we're hanging out in the living room and he starts saying, "P, mama." Completely out of the blue. It takes my slow pregnant brain a few minutes to figure out what he's trying to tell me. "Potty?" I ask him. "You want to use the potty?" "Dah!" he announces triumphantly. Then he proceeds to head to the bathroom, where he points to the toilet, pulls up his shirt and leans on tiptoes into the cold basin, looking up at me expectantly. I'm just sitting there smiling like an idiot, trying not to get all teary-eyed, and he's looking at me like "what the hell you waiting for?" So I let him open the lid, which is something he, amazingly, never does, then we pull down his jeans and take off his diaper.

Now, I'm not really sure what the best approach to this should be. Do I sit him down on it and hold him (well, duh, obviously or his cute little dupah is gonna get really cold and wet)? do I lift the seat so he can stand like daddy? do I have him face the back of the toilet so he can kind of strandle the seat and sit a little better? Unsure, I tried them all. We sat there for a second or so in each position, patiently waiting, but lo and behold, no pee.

"Dowwwnnn, mama, dowwwwn." So down he goes. Now he's running around the bathroom in nothing but his new thermal shirt and socks, all excited. He heads straight to the wastebasket, as if suddenly realizing we forgot one very vital item.....toilet paper. (We most certainly do not keep the toilet paper on the roll or the toilet would be nothing but a wad of goo - we save that fun for public places.) He usually likes to help me when I'm going to the bathroom by handing me the toilet paper (he actually just shoves it down the legs of my pants) so I guess he figures he needs some too. And, well, if other things like q-tips and dental floss go in there at the same time, so be it.

Not wanting to cause too big of a mess, I tried to divert his attention away. Big mistake. He just wants to keep cramming in the various items from the garbage. Finally, I have one of those rare brainstorms. "Hey Buu, should we go to the store and get a potty for Mason?" And I'll be damned if he didn't just stop what he was doing, nod, and head out of the room eagerly. It doesn't matter that his dupah is hanging out, it doesn't matter that it's freezing outside, by golly, he's going to the store for a potty! So, as I often do, I ask him to please run and get a diaper out of his room so that we can go. Quickly, he runs out of the room - thumpa, thumpa, thumpa - with his left arm swinging behind him as he goes, and comes back almost immediately....with an actual diaper in his hand! Shocked, I sit there for a moment as he drops it at my knees, waiting. Now, it's not that I ever thought he is incapable of getting a diaper and bringing it to me, but usually it takes about a half an hour to walk 5 feet because there are far more interesting things to do on the way to get the diaper so that by the time he actually gets there, he forgot why he was heading there in the first place.

Completely overcome with emotion and realizing that our little boy is growing up, I hold back the tears and help him to get dressed. We pause only long enough to gather up the usual necessities and head for Toys R Us, with Mason chanting all the while in the backseat, "Potty. Mama, potty." As if I'm going to forget.