Today was a very Big Boy day for Mason. He did all kinds of things that made me realize just how fast he is growing. He is just so sweet and loving and fun and energetic and exhausting and I'm really trying to cherish every moment because soon things are going to get a little more complicated and we will never have time like this together again. I'm also trying not to feel sad that the new baby and I will probably never really have time like this, at least not for awhile, but I guess that is the way it goes. I keep telling myself that this is for the best, that Mason will love having a sibling and not feel alone growing up in the world without one and that he is still young enough that it will not take him long to get over not being the only child. I have doubts, every day, but such is the way of life. We have a wonderful, strong and loving family and I think that we will be very lucky to have this new addition. Okay, back to some of Mason's cool tricks. As I said in an earlier post, he's really starting to talk. He will try to say just about anything that we do and gets a kick out of watching how excited we get. A lot of the time he doesn't pronounce the first letter of a word, so Luna (the moon's name) is Una and Wolf is Ooolf. It's quite cute. Wolf and I just read Quick as a Cricket to him as part of his bedtine routine and he knows how it goes by heart. "I'm as quick as a, I'm as slow as a..snail." It's awesome. He has trouble with lazy as a lizard but we can't complain about one out of 10. Anyway, today I was doing the dishes and had the water running and Mason came running in shouting, "Phone!" I turned the water off so I could hear him and lo and behold, I heard the phone ring. I ran to get it, thanking him along the way. "Welcome," he said in return. It wasn't until I actually answered the phone and started laughing in my friend Theresa's ear that I realized I just had a conversation with my 20 month old son. It took me a second for what had transpired to hit me. And I got all giggly and happy. Then a little later this afternoon we were playing in his play area and I was suddenly struck, for whatever reason, with the urge to get out our little vacuum and clean up some dirt or something. Generally, Mason is a little afraid of the vacuum, so I always announce that I am turning it on. He proceeded to follow me around the house, having a grand ol time watching me bend over, which is no longer easy to do, mind you, and clean up all of the little particles of food. And to my surprise, when I went to put the vacuum away, he wouldn't let me. "Mason," he said, which is what he says when he insists that he do something himself. So I turned it back on and handed it to him. He went around the living room looking for things to clean up, but since I had just cleaned it all up, he was out of luck. He then put the vacuum down, went to the coffee table to pick up a tortilla chip he had been eating, took a bite out of it, went over to his play area, broke the chip up, dropped it on the floor and proceeded to vacuum it up. I kid you not he did this for a half an hour. And it was especially fun when I showed him how to put the chip down on the floor and break it into pieces right there with his palm. Wolf and I are truly blessed, not only to have found each other, but to have produced such an amazing child. I hope and pray every day that we are able to raise him to be a strong, independent and caring human being. Hopefully we're off to a good start. And then there's always number 2......