On our way to the doctor's this morning for the boys 2 year and 4 month check ups, a truck driver cut me off and I got pissed off, so I shouted "Fudge" at him. Not very effective, but it made me feel better. All of sudden I hear Mason from the back seat say, "Sorry, Mama." For what, I ask him. "It was all my fault," came the reply. I hurriedly assured him it was not in any way his fault then proceeded to scold myself for allowing those words to enter his vocabulary. It doesn't seem fair that at 2 years old he should believe that anything is his fault. 2 year olds should not have faults. Even though he doesn't know what it means, it seems like it's too much responsibility for one little boy to take on. Mistake seems like such a better word - I know they don't mean exactly the same but it is the closest word Mason should have to use at this age. God, how I love my kids. I get these horrible images in my head sometimes of things happening to them and I forget to breathe. How will I ever feel comfortable letting them go, letting them go out into the big scary world by themselves? I know it's inevitable and it may seem strange that I'm worrying about this when they are still in diapers, but I am very aware how quickly time flies. I will blink and before I know it they will be off to college or off to travel the world or off to find their niches in life. I guess all Wolf and I can do is provide them with the best tools we can, give them all of the love in the world and hope that they grow into happy and well-grounded men.
Mo-Mo is growing so quickly. He started laughing a few weeks ago, a deep throaty laugh that makes my heart sing, and today he rolled himself over for the first time. And he actually did it a couple of times. I felt so bad for him....I was running around the house doing something and when I went to check on him ( he was lying in the middle of the floor in the living room), he had rolled himself over on his side and was digging the side of his face into the rug. I'm not sure if he was trying to eat it or use his big noggin to roll himself over, but he had some serious rug burn marks for awhile. Some mother I am, huh? He also started reaching for things today. He was lying on his gymini and I had hung a new toy which I guess he found interesting enough to touch and play with. It was fun to watch. Mason is most definitely two now and has all of the characteristics that define the age...stalling at bedtime, tantrums, whining, etc. But he is also one of the sweetest, most kind hearted and caring little boys I have ever met. I try to tell him every day how proud I am of him because the smile that lights up his face is something to behold. He talks in full and complete sentences now, and although I can't always understand him, I am blown away every day by something he says. I should probably be writing them down but it never seems to be a good time. So I will keep trying to update this blog as my precious boys do new and exciting things.