My children Love Cold fresh water The way it smells after a rain Friendships The human body Shooting stars Chocolate Sex A good book Hummingbirds Waterfalls Art
to blog today. I checked all of my friends blog/baby sites this morning and they were all updated, so I figured it was my turn. Not that I'm even sure anyone reads this anymore but what the hell. The boys are doing beautifully. Other than Mason's daily typical 2 year old breakdowns and his occasional need to beat me (quite literally), he is doing very well. He started a new school last week called Ice Cream and Shoe and he seems to really like it. I was feeling guilty for awhile about making the change of schools but he adjusted beautifully. His first day was Wednesday and on the way into class he asked me if I could stay. I said no but that I would be back to pick him up after lunch like I always do. He said okay and when we got into the classroom he put his new turtle backpack and his "shirtie" in his cubbie, kissed me, bumblebee binked me and was off to play. ::sigh:: my little boy is all grows up. Morgan started eating solid foods a little over a week ago and he is officially done nursing. We had a pretty nasty case of thrush for a few weeks and it made it very difficult to nurse. I had been hoping to make it to at least 6 months but it just wasn't in the cards this time and I didn't have it in me to push it. Breastfeeding is not something I have enjoyed, either time, but I really wanted to do as much as I could to help the boys. We finally moved Mo-mo out of our room too. We aren't ready to put him in Mason's room yet, not until he is sleeping through the night, so we put him in the livingroom when we are ready to go to sleep. It seems to help as lately he's only been waking up about once in the middle of the night to eat. Then last night a miracle happened....he slept the ENTIRE night. My mom was babysitting last night so that Wolf and I could go to a friend's birthday dinner in the city. She put him down around 8:30. He woke up crying at 12, I went out to put the binkie back in his mouth and he was asleep in seconds. Around 3 I woke up totally confused and disoriented because I couldn't figure out why Morgan hadn't woken up to eat. I had to go out and check on him to make sure he was breathing. He hadn't even moved! I woke up again at 5 to check on him and he was still in the same position...and still breathing. Mason woke up at 7 and I moved Morgan and his little bed into the bedroom and he continued to sleep until almost 8. Holy Shit! Almost 12 straight hours of sleep. Do I dare to think that this will happen more frequently? Do I truly see the light at the end of the tunnel? Of course not because that would jinx everything, but maybe if I think it in secret....