Momo and Wolf

A boy and his daddy

Momo and Mommy

Mason and MamaBear

Wolf and I
Saturday night my mother graciously agreed to take care of both boys all night, thus allowing Wolf and I to go out for a fantastic night on the town....alone.
We left just before Mason went to sleep and headed down to Borders, to kill some time, get some caffeine (we were going to need it) and just hang out. From there we headed to Bodhi's wine bar, Bacchus, on Hyde St., where we shared an absolutely superb bottle of Riesling (thanks Bodhi) and ate a bit of sushi. Then it was off to the hotel to check in and get changed. By the time we got out to Market to catch a cab it was about 10:30 but we didn't get to the Hookahdome party site until 11:20. Who knew it would be so DAMN hard to get a cab in the city!
Okay, brief insight as to what this whole night is about. Wolf has been to Burning Man once, in 2004, when I was pregnant with Morgan, and has been itching to go back. Soooo, he has convinced me that he and I will have a grand ol' time going together, just the two of us, next September. So this party (fundraiser) we are enroute to is being thrown by a group called The Hookahdome that attends Burning Man every year.
Back to the party....we stood outside for probably another half an hour waiting for everyone to get checked in and finally, around midnight, we were welcomed into the bossom of The Cellspace. From that point on, Wolf and I proceeded to have a fun, energetic, sexy, wonderful, thrilling and much needed evening that brought us closer together and gave us a chance to reconnect again. We met some beautiful people, some of whom I hope we get to see again.
This must be done as often as possible, I think. Maybe not that intense or that long of a night, but the need to reconnect with my husband, get away from the stress of everyday life, and just be Amy and Wolf is something that should happen every couple of months. I highly recommend it. It's as important as getting time away for yourself, which should be done just as frequently.
For us, we have December 30th to look forward to, a night of Cirque du Soleil, good food, a hotel room, some close friends and a good night sleep. Yippee, here's to the new year!
At least I feel that way today. I'm sure most, if not all, parents feel that way at one time or another. Today had actually started out a pretty good day. I took the boys to LeapFrog to be part of a "making of" video for a new toy they are coming out with. We all had a lot of fun and the boys did beautifully. Then we went to Togo's and had lunch....miracle of all miracles-Mason preferred a sandwich over french fries. I had to make sure he wasn't a pod person. The bad part happened just after lunch. I had to change both of the boys' diapers before getting into the car so we sat down a knee-high stone wall, which seemed like the perfect place. Mason was first, then Momo. But just as I was finishing with Momo, Mason got restless and was telling me he wanted to go "over to that thing over there." I told him no because I couldn't see over there and his reply was that he would be super fast. I thought he was going to start heading over there so I jumped up to be prepared to stop him, but forgot about Morgan laying on the stone wall. 2 seconds later I heard this dull thud and looked down to see Morgan lying on the ground. My heart stopped, the world stopped and I raced to pick him up. I'm not really clear on what I did after that. Mason sensed something bad had happened because he stopped being difficult and asked me what happened. I tried to stay calm and I headed to the car but I started crying half way there. It was either that or throw up. I must have been quite a sight - holding a screaming baby, pushing a stroller, crying and trying to walk with a 2 year old across a busy parking lot.In any case, Momo appears to be okay, although I had to talk to everyone I know on the phone before I could be convinced of that. He really only cried for a few minutes and then he seemed sleepy but that was really only because it was nap time.I'm still feeling crappy but it'll pass. Both boys are awake from their naps and playing, so all is right with the world again.

The many faces of Momo
Since the time change, Mason has been waking up at 5:30 almost every morning. As you can imagine, this SUCKS! We have tried bringing him in our bed but that only occasionally works. We have tried singing him songs to get him back to sleep, which almost never works. And since he can't open his bedroom door most of the time, we have tried ignoring him hoping he'll just play quietly in his room, which absolutely never works. He just gets louder and louder until someone responds to him - which is usually Momo. Dealing with both kids at that ungodly hour of the morning is not pleasant. In fact, it makes us downright mean and that just makes things worse.
So tonight we're implementing a new plan, one I've read about several times but don't know for sure will work. We've put a digital alarm clock in his room and set the radio to go off at 6:00. I put his blocks in his room so he has them to play with in the morning and tomorrow, if he wants, we can put his train table in there too. Then I explained all about the clock and let him hear how the radio will sound. Then I told him that he has to stay and play in his room until he hears the radio and not before. I repeated it several times and I know he got it because I could hear him mumbling it to himself as he walked to the closet to pick out a book to read. "wait until the radio comes on then I go get mamabeaw and dadabeaw." I'm not going to get my hopes up but please, let this work!
Wolf is having a boys night out tonight with our friend Matthew, so it's just Mason, Momo, my mom and I. We had a "picnic" on the livingroom floor of fish sticks and baked potatoes, and we watched Toy Story 2. Mason sat throught the whole thing, as did Morgan. We had a wonderful time. Bedtime with Mason wasn't easy but it could have, and has been, worse. Momo is a piece of cake. You give him a bath, a little milk, a good burp, a little song and some lovin' and he's out like a light. We can only hope that it stays that way.
I talked to Pop tonight on the phone for a bit, which was wonderful. It's great when one can not only get along with but really like their in-laws. He was in Italy for a few weeks, but usually he takes Mason once a week and they go hang out together. This week they both have colds but hopefully they'll be able to start up again next week.
I have some friends who are going through some heavy stuff right now and I'm keeping them in my thoughts and sending them supportive and loving wishes.
I have to go now so I can put a shutterfly email together for all of those people who don't read this blog but would like to see pictures of the boys. Then I'm off to watch Lost. Yeah, it's a new episode!
* Uppies Daisy* Architect is my favorite color in the whole world
* Hamabayger (hamburger)
* Wait up, Mamabeaw, you have to keep me company
* You're my best fwiend
* rowwer (roller)
* Aw wight
* That sounds like a plan
* What are we gonna do today?
* Hon!
* Pinky deal
* Hey look, there's my fwiend....of any child under 4 ft tall * Oh my goodness
* Yesterday while we were sitting on the back porch snacking on popcorn, watching the rain come down in drizzles, he put his hand on my knee and says, "How was your day, mamabeaw? Mine was gweat." * Our goodnight and goodbye ritual - he gives us a kiss, then he twirls his index finger around in a circle a bunch of times saying bumblebee, bumblebee and then touches our nose and says bink, all of which is followed up by a hug and an I wove you.
What more can anyone ask for?

Happy Halloween!




Hard at work

Hello Momma