Thursday, April 13, 2006

The Sun Shall Shine

As most of you know, it has been extremely unhealthily unhappily raining here in CALIFORNIA for the past like 600 days straight. But today, this afternoon, the blessed beautiful warm sun decided to grace us with its' presence.

Life is good today. I don't think any of us really realized just how much of a funk we have all been in. And it truly is amazing what just a little bit of sunshine can do to a person's overall happiness. People were smiling, laughing, waving, using manners, giggling, bouncing and seeming to come out of the woodwork.

We sat outside in the driveway, eating spaghetti and letting the boys run up and down the driveway. It was warm and peaceful and what life is all about. It will probably rain again for the next bazillion days, but this was a much needed break.
If you think this is bad......
Oh man, you're gonna use this against me someday, aren't you?
Momo and Mama

Monday, April 10, 2006

Happy 1st Birthday, Morgan!

My little baby is all grows up. I can't believe he is a year old already. He is so much fun and watching him with his brother is wonderful. For the most part they get along great, although Mason is almost 3 and has the attitude to go with it. Morgan is getting into his stuff and wants to do what Mason does and Mason's not so sure he likes that. But I think, I hope, that they will be good friends and good brothers.

We didn't do much today for Morgan's birthday. Molly says it is the curse of the 2nd child, which it probably is, although I would like to think it isn't. Maybe it's the realization that a 1 year old really doesn't give a hoot about parties and presents. Maybe it the realization that there are going to be soooooooo many parties each and every year that it's okay if this one isn't a big deal. Maybe it's the realization that I am utterly exhausted most days and just didn't have it in me to plan a big party. Or maybe it's the realization that our house is already full of so much crap that if we got any more presents we'd have to rent out storage space in which to sleep.

Morgan is walking now and has been for about 3 weeks. He started with a few steps and within the week was fully walking. He even pivotes on one foot. He falls a fair bit but he's getting better at catching himself. He's had quite a few bumps and bruises on his head already but that's to be expected. He loves to clap and if you put your hand out he'll give you 5. If you ask him a question, he will nod yes or shake his head no. And sometimes he'll actually get it right.

Happy birthday, sweet boy.
Present opening
Where's Momo?
My big brother loves me!
Ahhhh, that was funny
I'm not doing anything.......
Just plain cute