I realize that it has been awhile since I have actually written anything. I'm sure that most of you would rather see pictures of the kids but I figure it's time to give a little insight into how we are all doing.
Last week Wolf and I went away to Burning Man and it was absolutely wonderful. Yes, it was hard being away from the kids for so long but at the same time, we really needed some quality time together. Burning Man is not something you can explain to people. It is an experience that you have to live in order to understand and I highly recommend it. I was never really excited about going but Wolf wanted to go back (he went a few years ago when I was pregnant with Morgan) and wanted me to go with him. But now that I've been, I would go back in a heartbeat. And although we may not be able to make it possible, I would like to go back next year. Wolf is already teasing me about being hooked.
As for the boys, they are doing beautifully. They started their new school this last Wednesday and really seem to like it. I was only slightly worried about Morgan, even though this is his first school experience. He is such an easy going, mellow child that he very rarely has any issues. He went right into his classroom as if he'd been there every day and just played. He cried for about 30 seconds when we left then went about his business.
Mason has been really excited about starting his new school but was a little overwhelmed, I think, that first morning. There were a lot of kids in one room and it was daunting to me as a parent, so I can't imagine what it was like for him. He was terribly upset when we left (Wolf and I still were on vacation so we both got to take them) but he stopped crying after about 2 minutes. I called to check in on both of them a little later and their teachers said they were doing wonderfully. Sigh...my babies are growing up.
In other news, Mason seems to be turning a corner. He seems to be having less fits and has started to use his words more to explain himself, rather than fly into hysterics. It was a little rough when we first came back but it's getting better. In December we are going to have his adnoids & tonsils removed. The ENT says that this will help him sleep better. We're pretty sure he has sleep apnea, which means he stops breathing for very short periods of time in his sleep. And he snores like an old man. The ENT thinks that when he lays down, his enlarged tonsils fall into his throat and block his airway, making it hard to breathe. All of this results in a very poor nights sleep (for all of us) and although we are not 100% sure that the surgery will work, the chances are high that it will. We just want our little boy to be happy and restful. We'll keep you up to date.
This seems like a scratch, however, compared to what a friend of mine's goddaughter is going through. Isabel is 4 1/2 and they just found out (on Saturday) that she has aplastic anemia. This is a rare bone marrow disease in which your body stops producing new blood cells - red ones, white ones and platelets too. Isabel is going to need a bone marrow transplant and they just found out that none of their family is a match. I cannot fathom what their family is going through and will do whatever I can to help and I would like to encourage anyone who reads this to do the same. I know you don't know Isabel or her family, but I can imagine that if this happened to you (the powers that be forbid) that you would want any help and support that you could get, whether it came from friends or strangers. So please, check out Isabel's website and help in any way you can.
Okay, that's it for now. Sending all of you much love and warm wishes.