There are years when I feel the need to go out and celebrate and there are years when simply being with my family is all the excitement I need. This year was the latter.
Last night was spent quietly at home, safe and cozy. We put the kids to bed at their usual time then my mom, wolf and I sat down to a yummy feast fit for an army. We had lobster tail, shrimp, smoked oysters, a variety of cheeses, hummus, etc. It was wonderful. And when we were stuffed beyond reason, we looked at the plates and it looked like nothing had been touched! Leftovers, yeah. While we were gorging, we watched Jet Li's Fearless and enjoyed each other's company. Mom retired around 10:30 and Wolf and I quietly and happily brought in the new year together.
It's hard to want to think of unhappy memories when you are trying to bring in a new year that you hope will be filled with happiness and good things, but I took a moment last night to remember all the people that were lost this year, and other years. I particularly thought of our friend James Walsh, who passed away on New Years Eve 9 years ago. My heart still aches when I think of him and I hope that he knows that he is still remembered and loved. I hope the same for all the other people who are no longer with us. I hope that they are at peace and that they too know they are loved.
We never know what the new year is going to bring. Hell, we never know what each new day is going to bring. But I hope that the majority of them are full of life, love and happiness, balanced by some sadness and frustration. Not that any of us wants those last things but they are a part of life and help remind us that life is unpredictable and should be lived to the fullest.
So to all my family and friends I wish you a year where dreams come true, wishes come true and life is lived. I love you all.