Saturday, July 14, 2007

Some great Mason quotes

A true conversation between Mason and his daddy, while Mason was in the bathtub today:

Mason: What are these things attached to my penis?
Daddy: Those are your testicles.
Mason: But, what are the balls inside?
Daddy (with laughter growing in his voice): THOSE are your testicles.
Mason: Oh, just like the ones in my throat?
Daddy (trying not to burst out laughing): No, Mason, those are your TONSILS.
Mason: Oh, my tonsticles. Ok.

Meanwhile, I'm rolling around on the floor in the livingroom holding my gut so as not let Mason hear me laughing hysterically. Ah what a way to start a day!


A Mason quote from another day:

Daddy is driving the boys to school one morning when Mason asks hin why we have to stop at stop signs. Wolf begins to explain, then figures he should explain a little bit about the law. As Wolf proceeds, Mason interrupts him with:

You don't need to tell me about the law, Daddy, I've known about the law for like, 30 years.

Holy shit, where does he get this stuff???

Monday, July 02, 2007

Visions of the future

Raiding Daddy's childhood closet....

Ah, summer....dirt, warm weather and fresh fruit