Well, it hasn't gotten any easier. At least the drop off part. When we picked him up that first day, he was just fine. And he has been just fine every day that we pick him up. It's leaving him in the morning that sucks.
I don't know how to help him. He is a child of routine and he does not like change. He hasn't made any friends yet, although he is usually a very friendly social boy. And he knows how to work us. He knows it's hard for us to leave, especially when he's crying. And he has this habit of just walking (or running) away that just infuriates us.
I don't know how to help him. He needs someone in the class to help make the transition easier and for a few days there was a wonderful woman named Miss French but she was only there for the first week, I believe. And his teacher just does not have the ability to focus on him.
This morning I arranged for him to go to after/before care for 5 minutes before class so that he could walk over with them, but he wouldn't do it. Wolf couldn't get him even near the building. What do we do? How do we make this easier on him? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Guess we just keep plugging along....