Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Smart boy....

On Sunday I was making breakfast and there was a lot of smoke coming off of the stove. I heard the fire alarm go off, but only briefly. Thinking I needed to air out the kitchen, I went to the back door to open it but was beaten by Morgan, who was saying, "We gotta go outside." So I helped him open the door then went back to cooking. It wasn't until Wolf came in to the kitchen and saw Morgan outside that he realized what had happened...

Wolf had been just testing the fire alarm to make sure it worked. But Morgan thought there was a real fire and so headed directly outside. He was quickly and highly praised by his daddy. I, unfortunately, was too engrossed in cooking breakfast to really absorb it all right then and there. But we are so proud of him. He's a smart cookie...just like his brother.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Hands and Feet

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Mason: "If I play all day (video games) then my brain will run out....of batteries"
Mason: "I feel like I have to throw up but from my bottom"
Morgan: "When are we going to climb the ladder to South America? It's right over there..."

Sunday, March 01, 2009