There are so many important people in my life who live far away and I think it is hard for them to believe that I am actually pregnant since they never get to see me. It really sucks that so many people I love don't get to share this with me. Well, the best I can do is post pictures of my ever expanding abdomen - they aren't the best quality downloads but they'll have to do. I can't tell if I am any bigger than I was with Mason or if I am carrying any differently. All I can say is, I'm done. Ready for this to be over. It's hard on this old body of mine and I can tell that things are going to take a long time healing. Ah well, this is the end, I'm done after this so I should just shut up and enjoy what is left.
I am exactly 37 weeks today and the baby is completely viable, which means that it could be born today and all would be well. Everything is formed and developed and now it is just going to spend the next few weeks gaining fat. For those of you who don't know, pregnancy is actually 10 months, or 40 weeks, long. Mason was born at 37 weeks and 6 days, so basically this Sunday, Easter, would be the equivalent. That's fine by me, although there are a lot of people who would be much happier if Cookie waited until after the first week of April. Everyone seems to have plans or things to do, including 2 of my 3 midwives. So of course, it will come then. At least Wolf found my back brace for me today so I can walk around in a more upright position. The baby is all in the front and just keeps pulling me forward, making it very hard to walk. Waddle, waddle, waddle.
I gathered all of Mason's baby clothes together today, washed them and put them away in the dresser we bought for Cookie. I had lent them all to my friend Sheila for her son Cash and not only got back those clothes but all of the ones that she had acquired as well. Luckily it is basically the same time of year so everything should work just fine. Sheesh, I sure hope this is a boy or my little girl is going to look awfully blue for awhile.
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