Friday, July 08, 2005


I haven't posted for awhile because I haven't really had anything good to say. There have been lots of bad things happening to really good people in my life and it's been hard to deal with. And I don't want everything I write about to be negative.

So on a good note, I just found out my friend Diane is pregnant and due next March. This is really exciting news because she and her husband have been trying for some time to have a second child and we are all so happy for her.

Wolf and I were talking yesterday about how we may not lead exciting lives and me may not be rich but all in all we lead a very charmed and happy life. Yes, bad things happen, but good ones do too. I look at our beautiful children and all of his beautiful friends and I thank the powers that be that we have been allowed to have the privilege of raising, nurturing and loving them.

I was just telling my best friend Molly, who is as I type this is going through a very rough time, that I truly believe all things happen for a reason, even terrible things. It's hard to believe that when it's you going through it, but I think if we can just keep ahold of that simple thought, then we can get through anything.

Molly, you are an amazing woman, a wonderful mother and the best friend a girl could ask for. Know that I love you and am so very glad you are in my life.

Tomorrow Wolf and I are taking the boys to the beach, to enjoy a simple warm summer morning together in the sun. I am looking forward to it.

Sweet dreams.

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