Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Happy 4th Birthday Mason Grey!

We had such a fantastic day. We dropped Morgan off at school and Wolf, Mason and I spent the rest of the day at Lawrence Hall of Science. We would have loved Morgan to be with us but it would have unfortunately cut our day in half due to his nap, plus Mason really needed the time with just us. And we had so much fun! He was in great spirits all day. The weather could have been better but c'est la vie.
For dinner we invited Nana and Grandpa over and we all had tacos and had a wonderful time. We put a candle in one of Mason's taco boats and sang him happy birthday. It was really cute. We didn't have a cake, though, as he is getting his special cake for his birthday party on Saturday. That is going to be one hell of a day for him, that's for sure.
We gave him his present today - a new big boy bike. It is a 14" Diego bike with training wheels....and he won't ride it because it has brakes, unlike his last radio flyer bike from Aunt Molly, and therefore he can't go backwards. He just gets pissed off. It's very cute and frustrating at the same time. Ah well, he'll figure out someday.
He grows more and more amazing every day. He is smart, funny, fun, sweet, sensitive and just an all around good kid. He has his bad moments and I wish like hell he would sleep through the night, but my heart grows bigger every day with my love for him. I love you, Big Man and I look forward to watching you grow.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Look at that beautiful, big boy! Happy birthday, Mason! Can't wait to see you Saturday!