Mason and I went to Davey's 1st birthday party today and had a blast. Unfortunately both Morgan and Wolf were under the weather and had to stay home. But Mason and I had a great time. He got to play with one of his favorite people in the whole world, Prescott, and visit with some many new people. We had a great day together and with family. He even let me take some pictures of him!
He is growing more and more every day, as Pop pointed out to me today. Since I see Mason every day, I don't notice all of the changes, but even in just the two weeks since Pop saw him, he is like a different boy. He's growing and maturing and slowly starting to outgrow his fits. We work really hard with him, and he is getting so much better at stopping them himself and cutting them short. Luckily, from everyone I've talked to, this age is one of the hardest, so I know it isn't just us! I had one of my mom friends tell me that her 4 year old daughter has serious break downs because she cannot be a cat. Seriously, she wants to be a cat. It's good to know that other parents lives are a bit hellish too!
Morgan is changing in leaps and bounds as well. His vocabulary is getting so much better and he is speaking more in actual english than in morganese. It is still hard to understand him a lot of the time but he is trying. He is using fuller sentences and is learning new words every day. And I swear he gets a new expression every day! I have never met another kid as expressive as he is, truly. He doesn't really even need to speak, you just have to watch his face. I try to capture these with my camera and am sometimes successful. My next entry will have to be dedicated to Morgan Expressions, I think.
Much love to everyone who reads this - all 5 of you! : ) We here in Schusterville love you all dearly and think of you often, even if we don't see you or talk to you very much.
1 comment:
What sweet photos and a great post, Amy. It was wonderful to have you and Mason at Davey's birthday party - we always love seeing you. We were sad that Wolf and Morgan were down for the count, but we understand and send virtual chicken soup in their direction. xox
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