Mason starts kindergarten tomorrow. I am scared and nervous and excited for him all at the same time. He is scared and nervous and excited for himself. We have been waving good morning to his school every morning for months now. We have been talking about what kinds of things he can expect to learn and see. We have been grooming him for his first real steps into his future. We are preparing him as best we can, which is all we can do, I suppose.
I know a lot of parents say this about their kids, but Mason is really freakin' smart. Too smart for his own good, actually. He is learning multiplication and how to count by 10's, he's reading and writing, he's growing and changing. He has a memory like you wouldn't believe and can hear even when he's not listening. My heart aches that he is no longer my baby yet at the same time is excited to watch him develop into his own autonomous being.
We are having some issues with his school at the moment, which I am hoping will get worked out. The reason we chose to stay at our local school, rather than try for an intra/inter district transfer, was because we were pretty positive we would get him into the bilingual program, wherein he would learn spanish. Which, in a school that is 60% hispanic, seemed like a very good thing. Well, he did not get in. Apparently, the information we were given stating that he had a great chance of getting in the sooner we registered was false. It was all random. We are pissed. Not sure where we will go from here, there might be a chance to still get him in, but not until classes have started. Wolf and I both wrote letters to the principal, although I do not think it will do much good. We shall see. All we can now is focus on Mason having the best experience possible.
Then there is Morgan. Man, is he going through some changes. A few months ago he quit cold turkey on his binky. Was just done. And now he is potty training. Two nights ago he woke me up at 3 am to pee but still had his diaper on. Last night he did not wake me up (well, at least not to pee) and he slept in underpants! We are so proud of him. Every time he pees in the potty his face just lights up and he exclaims, "I did it!" Wolf and I have promised to buy him something BIG to celebrate both events. There is a lot of focus on Mason right now and we want to make sure that he does not feel left out, that we celebrate his amazing accomplishments too.
Wolf and I have finally latched on to a date for our 10 year wedding annivesary party. Now we just have to tell everyone and send out invitiations! So for all of you who are reading this, please know we are working on it. And the party will be SEPTEMBER 20TH at STAFFORD LAKE in Novato. More details to follow.
Okay, enough for now. Love to all of you from all of us.
1 comment:
Hi! It has been SUCH a long time. I was just thinking about your 10 year anniversary, since ours is next year, and we got married a year after you did. I still remember your wedding with great fondness.
Your boys are beautiful. I love your pictures. Kindergarten is crazy, isn't it?! I can't believe our boys are starting kindergarten! I started a blog, too, if you want to check out what we are up to. It involves a new baby!
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