Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Sunday, January 04, 2009

The end of a fantastic vacation...

Went on a hike with Mason today, around Phoenix Lake. Sat in a coffee shop drinking hot chocolate and tea and playing Uno. Laughed. Talked. Dinner was at home cooking all by itself. Wolf and Morgan were off doing Wolf and Morgan things.

Dinner turned out great and the kids even ate some. Mason loves lima beans. Should do laundry and dishes but migraine started to come on. Downed some excedrin and took a boiling hot bath. Can't seem to write very well but that's okay.

Off to bed - hard to fight the going-back-to-work blues. I know I am not alone in that. Will post pictures of kids shortly. Wonder how many people still read this now that there is facebook....I will continue to post anyway.