Thursday, June 02, 2005

Another Bad Mama Day

Today is a Bad Mama day, or at least portions of it. I'm trying to keep my cool, trying to remain calm and just laugh at everything, and it's kind of working. I've been getting pretty good sleep lately so when I don't get as good a night sleep as I would like, my days suffer, my kids suffer and my husband suffers. And I suffer from the guilt of it all. So here it is 4:06 in the evening and I am sitting at my computer taking a break. My eldest baby is sitting in his new booster seat at our new used table, eating wheat thins, my littlest baby is asleep in his swing and the best of Hall & Oates is blaring in the background. I rediscovered this CD over the weekend and have had to listen to it every day. It makes me happy, makes me nostalgic and helps the baby go to sleep. Who knew?

As I was getting uptight about the boys room being a mess and the laundry not being done, as the baby was screaming and Mason was running around with poop on his hands, I stood still for a minute, clenched every muscle in my body as tightly as I could, took a deep breath and let it all go. Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew. Now I'm letting the music wash over me and sighing happily as my boy calls for his Mama Bear while he is making art.

Damn this job is hard. The guilt is almost unbearable sometimes. And now my brief moment of respite is over - Mason is now having an uncontrollable fit because he can't cram the crayons into the colored pencils box and Morgan has decided that Hall & Oates is no longer doing it for him. The sound level has now risen to an unbearable level and I must flee. Well, go control it, at any rate.

More at another time....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry you had such a rough day, Amy! You know I've been there. I feel so badly now that we couldn't hang out with you. We will see you soon. Hope today is better. -Jen